Monday, April 11, 2016

The 24 most hilarious Google search suggestions ever, the #3 killed me… LOL!

There is no doubt Google search suggestions are very useful, but since many people use Google to find the weirdest things, if you pay attention to some of the suggestion Google gives, you can discover some real gem.
The web is full of bizarre screenshots of weird suggestions and we gathered the most hilarious here on Just Something, just for you.
As usual, if you find some other fun stuff congenial to the list feel free to tell us in the comments.
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24. Why do I have…

23. What…

22. What would a…

21. I like to…

20. Sometimes when I’m…

19. I am…

18. Why…

17. I did th…

16. Is it bad if…

15. Sometimes I like to…

14. Don’t you hate it when a…

13. Why isn’t…

12. What do I do if…

11. I’m out of e…

10. What would happen…

9. Is it normal…

8. Do you ever look at yourself in…

7. Why does my husband…

6. I feel like a…
5. Someone has b…

4. Why is Nicolas Cage on…

3. I hate it when…

2. What’s a boyfriend…

1. Google is… (we know, it’s a Bing search…)

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