Saturday, April 16, 2016

10 Sites to Track Viral Web Trends

So you want to know what the latest viral trend on the web is and where it’s happening? And you want it quickly, right? Well, look no further. We’ve got the top ten best websitesand social networks to follow that pick up on the latest trends on the web.
Whether it’s a new Internet memecelebrity gossipbreaking news or a video that got a million views overnight, you can probably get the juiciest and most up to date information on it by checking out the following sites.

1. BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed has experienced incredible growth over the past little while. As of April 2012, it’s ranked as the third most influential blog of all time on Technorati. The site is actually a viral news aggregator that uses technology to detect viral content around the web and then presents the best and most interesting content in list or blog post form. BuzzFeed features some of the most shared articles the web has ever seen. More »

2. Twitter

For real-time news, Twitter is a priceless web resource. Even if you don’t follow any users that tweet viral content, you can take a look at the Trending Topics (TTs) that are displayed on the right side of your stream, which display keywords that are currently being tweeted the most. AfterRebecca Black’s “Friday” music videowent viral in 2011, her name was a Trending Topic on Twitter for over a week.More »

3. What The Trend

To take it a step further, you can use to find out what and why things are trending on Twitter. This site that acts as a leaderboard for Twitter trends is known as “The front page of the real-time web™.” Real people from around the web contribute to the trending topics and provide explanations as to why they’re trending. More »

4. The Viral Video Chart

If videos are more your thing, then theViral Video Chart is where you need to go to look at the most up to date top charts for trending videos. This websites ranks videos according to statistics of how much they’re shared on places like Facebook and Twitter. It’s a great resource to use if you don’t want to spend all your time shuffling through videos on the front page of YouTube to find the best ones. More »

5. Reddit

Many things that go viral can actually be traced back to initially being shared onReddit. The most popular content gets pushed up to the front page of categories by users that upvote them. A lot of Internet memes originate from Reddit before spreading like wildfire across the web. If you want to be one of the first to get in on the latest thing to go viral before it actually does, Reddit is the community you need to join. More »

6. The Huffington Post

Of course, as the number one news blogon the web, the Huffington Post is always right on top of quickly pushing out the latest news and trends in any topic imaginable. If you’re a fan of reading articles and want to follow several topics, the Huffington Post is a news resource that’s pretty difficult to ignore because of its massive web presence. More »

7. What’s Trending

This is a fun little blog inspired by a web show hosted by Shira Lazar. Check out what’s trending now, stuff that’s trending in real-time, predictions for content that’s on the rise and everything else that’s currently hot on the web. The blog is updated several times a day and Shira’s live show airs on Wednesdays at 10am EST. More »

8. Mashable

If it’s mostly just tech, web culture andsocial media stuff you’re interested, Mashable does a pretty good job at putting out some interesting articles within a relatively timely manner of time. After the Huffington Post and before BuzzFeed, Mashable is the second most influential blog of all time on Technorati. More »

9. TMZ

Maybe it’s just celeb and Hollywoodgossip you’re interested in. For that, is the go-to resource for the fastest, juiciest news. They’ve got everything to keep you entertained for hours, including reporting stories, photos and videos. Need to get the latest on a hot celebrity? TMZ is probably where you should start looking first. More »

10. NewsWhip

Now this is a pretty cool site if you're really into news stories. NewsWhip brings you everything that's trending, right here and right now from major news mediums across web. Similar to BuzzFeed, NewsWhip tracks stories that are spreading fast on social media sites from over 5,000 English-speaking news sites. A great site to use if you want news from all over the web. More »

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