Tumblr is a website that many go to to get away from the daily norm, allowing themselves to indulge in silliness or learn things about the world they wouldn’t know otherwise. That being said, Tumblr after dark can get very odd. And when I say odd, I mean very, very odd. Check out 16 times Tumblr went a bit off after dark.
Eyeball butts? Really? This Tumblr user is also missing out the fact that there are people in this world who have seen the backs of eyeballs before, so it’s unlikely they’ve not let us in on their butt secret. Maybe there’s a worldwide secret within Medicine, one that is keeping from the public how big the butts on the back of our eyeballs are.
Sad Elephant
I wish, I really wish, that I understood what this post is talking about, I honestly do. I feel as if it might be the greatest insight ever but I’m just unable to unlock the secrets hidden within it. If I can just decipher this Tumblr post, I will finally be able to get my life back on track, but I’m sure that this will never happen.
Pixar’s Next Film
I now want Pixar’s next film to be a look at what dinosaurs could’ve possibly sounded like. That being said, I think there are some who would take fault with this tumblr post, as there has been an extensive look into the kind of noises dinosaurs would’ve made. At the very least, we can make a strong guess with the analysis we have at hand.
Some people say that I am wildly pessimistic when it comes to life and people, to which I say they’re dead wrong. However, I don’t know how you can possibly look at this post without absolutely despairing for the future world. I really cannot tell you how much this makes me want to slap everyone under the age of 20 and tell them to sort it out.
Helped By Cats
Have you ever been helped by a cat? Sometimes I will get up to go and get food I shouldn’t be having or grabbing yet another beer I really don’t need, but my cat will cross my path to give me a rub before I get there. When I look into that little face and he looks at me with those eyes, I can tell his meow is just letting me know I should sit back down.
Amazon’s New Delivery Service
I’ve been trying to buy from Amazon less and less so I can pay companies that actually do pay tax instead. There’s some niche items that it’s impossible to get anywhere else, but otherwise it’s pretty easy to stay away from them. That being said, if their delivery methods looked like this, I’d probably never shop online anywhere else.
The Greatest Horror Movie Of All Time
I would help produce this, I honestly would. I’m trying to get into making short films at the moment and I really wish I’d come up with this idea originally. What is it about this mental image that makes me start to laugh uncontrollably? If you had wooden flooring, would the sound of your bare feet slapping against it work the same as claps as well?
I don’t even really know where to start with this one if I’m honest. There’s a lot of people who just really struggle with the possibility that sentience is a curse left to human beings and nothing else in this world, but then again, whose to say this Tumblr user is wrong? Well, me, actually, I’m saying they’re definitely wrong.
This Is Important
I’m not being funny, but this issue is so important. Maybe I’ll be the first writer to publish a completely waterproof book. I mean, I think I could probably fit it into the story somehow, like maybe it’s the diary of someone part of an underwater race who has never been onto land, and we’re just finding out they exist through this book. One second, let me go and write up this idea somewhere.
This one interesting thought for all of those out there who are struggling with their intense fear of spiders, or those who are currently living with someone with that fear, meaning they’re the ones who have to kill or dispose of them. Lets just say, you might be getting rid of one of your best mates, especially if you hate flies as well.
One Of The Best
Of all the images in this post, this one has to be my absolute fave. There’s something about this kind of internet humour that really gets to me, making me giggle for hours afterwards. It’s probably the silliness of it all that makes me move from just smirking to full on laughter.
A True Mind Mess
This is so far beyond anything on this list when it comes to being truly mind-boggling. Try and consider this one, and really think about it for a second. It makes my head spiral off into a completely new area I didn’t know existed where I’m unsure whether or not I truly understand the world around me. Do I really know what I know?
KFC Is Pretty Rubbish
I don’t really get the hype that surrounds stuff like KFC. It’s a pretty standard type of takeaway, sort of like McDonalds and Burger King. The best fried chicken you’re ever going to get is at Allen’s Fried Chicken in Manchester. Trust me, you ever find yourself drunk in the middle of Manchester, look that place up. Make sure you get the chicken gravy.
Arrested Development & Fries
Two of the greatest things in the world have been morphed together into this single Tumblr post. If you haven’t seen Arrested Development yet, then you owe it to yourself to get all four seasons into your brain as soon as possible. Also, if you have the ability to get me a beach amount of fries then please get in touch with me.
Tumblr After Dark Makes Everything Better
This is a perfect example of how Tumble after dark can still turn a brilliant story into something a thousand times better. I challenge anyone to see this after seeing the original tweet and not laughing even more than they did in the first place. Seriously, have a look at this and actually try not to laugh at it.
Australia Showing Us How To Do It
Seeing something like this after all of the homosexual hatred that gay adverts get in the USA and the UK, is genuinely brilliant. It’s so lovely to know that there are places such as Australia, a country that is known for its intolerance, that are making adverts which acknowledge homosexuality as something that is no longer a taboo.
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